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  • AIG Ireland Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2022
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    AIG is committed to working to reduce our gender pay gap and to achieve gender parity in our leadership pipeline. 

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  • Interview with Cahir Doherty, Head of Property & Specialty Lines
    Cahir Doherty interview

    Irish Broker Magazine Interview with Cahir Doherty, Head of Property & Specialty Lines, AIG Ireland. As featured in Irish Broker Magazine, November 2021.

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  • My Career, My Story – Leah Moran
    Leah Moran Career Story

    AIG Ireland highlights Leah Moran's role and gives insights on a Casualty Underwriter in the insurance industry. 

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  • Why Real Estate is Not Risk-Free When It Comes to the Environment
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    Environmental risk is rarely top of the list for real estate investors but is something that should not be ignored.

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  • AIG Launches New “Navigating Multinational Risks” Training Curriculum
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    AIG is proud to offer a complimentary training curriculum, focused on the ever-evolving complexities and challenges presented by Multinational risks. 

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  • Understanding The Environmental Risks of Transportation
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    Transportation is a vital part of the industrial process but one where the environmental risks are often not adequately understood. 

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  • AIG Explain Environmental Risks in Infrastructure Projects
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    As governments around the world look to steer their economies towards recovery from the worst recession in living memory, infrastructure investment is high on the agenda for many.

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  • AIG Ireland Online Broker Academy 2021
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    Due to the success of our online broker academy in 2020, we are delighted to announce its continuation for 2021 with even more courses available. 

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  • AIG CargoGuard - Coverage That Makes a Difference Anywhere
    AIG Cargo guard coverage

    At AIG, we combine local expertise and knowledge to ensure the protection of our customers’ assets and their business reputation. 

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  • AIG’s Solutions for Your SME Clients
    AIG solutions SME clients

    Through AIG Rapidcover - AIG’s Solutions for Your SME Clients, we deliver all you’d expect from Package and Combined policies and more.

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  • Collaboration: The Key to Navigating A Hard Market
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    A hard market calls for an alignment of interests and closer collaboration between insurers, service providers and clients.

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  • AIG Cyber Risk Handbook
    AIG cyber risk handbook

    Global insurer AIG has released a free Cyber Risk Oversight Handbook specifically designed for corporate boards in Europe. Check it out here.

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  • AIG Contaminated Product Insurance
    AIG contaminated product insurance

    AIG has developed a solution that protects businesses from the potential effects of incidents like product contamination or tampering. Learn more here.

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  • Human Cyber Risk – The First Line of Defence
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    This paper explores the human factor in relation to cyber vulnerabilities, considering a range of scenarios in which end users and infrastructure are exploited by hackers and fraudsters. 

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  • The Remarkable Diversity of AIG’s Irish Office
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    The AIG workforce in Ireland has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Learn about our shift from mostly Irish to a more culturally diverse office.

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  • Addressing Cyber - A Risk Without Borders
    addressing cyber a risk without borders

    Due to the global nature of the risk, compliance and efficiency benefits on offer, organisations are including cyber in their multinational insurance programmes. 

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  • People Risks On The Road Less Travelled
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    Why group personal accident and travel insurance needs to evolve to meet the needs of modern business traveller. 

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  • Cyber Claims: Spotting The Imposter
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    Business email compromises happen to companies of all sizes. Learn more about the upward trends in cyber attacks of this nature and phishing emails here. 

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  • AIG Multinational - Navigating Through Brexit
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    This article is intended to explain to brokers and clients as to how AIG can assist with writing UK risks post Brexit.

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  • Cyber Claims: GDPR & Business Email Compromises Rising
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    Business email compromise has overtaken ransomware and data breach by hackers as the main driver of EMEA cyber claims, according to our latest statistics.

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  • Enhancements to Our Rapidcover A&H Offering
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    We are excited to announce enhancements to our Rapidquote (Group Personal Accident and Business Travel) product.

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  • Launch of Office Combined on Rapidcover
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    We are delighted to announce the launch of our Office Combined solution on Rapidcover. Cover is now available for larger and more complex office risks.

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  • Taking control of cyber risk
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    Cybercrime is an escalating problem that demands constant attention to mitigate against financial and reputational risk.

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  • The Fight Against Fraud
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    Jim Lynch, Head of Claims at AIG Ireland discusses the current fraud landscape, how it's evolved and the steps we are taking to combat this issue.

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  • The Dark Side of Insurance
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    The rise in cyber risk and how we are at the frontline working with our broker partners and clients to stay ahead of this ever-evolving threat.   

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  • Single Project Professional Indemnity Insurance Growing
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    As the number of construction projects increase, brokers should consider AIG’s expertise in Single Project Professional Indemnity Insurance.

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  • My Career, My Story - John Gillick
    John Gillick AIG Ireland

    AIG Ireland highlights his role and gives insights on all things Sponsorship and Consumer Marketing. 

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  • AIG Ireland Seeing One Cyber Claim A Week
    AIG Ireland seeing one cyber claim a week

    Based on our experience over the past number of years in dealing with cyber, our recommendation is to ensure that your clients have adequate protection.

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  • Burning Issues for Environmental Claims
    burning issues environmental claims

    A rise in fire-related environmental damage claims and construction and demolition waste management losses are reflected in this year’s statistics.

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  • Managing Construction Risk is a Two-Way Conversation
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    AIG Ireland draws on years of global experience to help firms cope with catastrophes when they happen.

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  • Transfer of Portfolio from Baltimore Insurance DAC to AIG Europe
    transfer portfolio from Baltimore insurance to AIG Europe

    Commercial general liability insurance policies held with Baltimore Insurance were transferred to the Irish branch of AIG Europe Limited on 4 May 2018.

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  • AIG Broker Academy

    We have launched the AIG Broker Academy where 11 learning opportunity sessions are hosted and  focus on different insurance topics

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  • Cyber Insurance Claims: Ransomware Disrupts Business
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    AIG’s 2017 cyber claims statistics reflect both the growing maturity of the cyber book of business and a threat environment which has.

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  • Working From the Top Down to Ensure Data Compliance
    Working ensure data compliance

    With GDPR fast approaching, larger organisations should make sure they have buy-in from all areas, especially from executive level

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  • AIG Ireland - Putting Claims First
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    Jim Lynch, Head of Claims at AIG Ireland discusses bringing claims to the forefront to ensure the best possible experience for both our brokers and clients.

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  • AIG Expatriate Care
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    AIG Expatriate Care provides medical cover for you and your dependents when you are working abroad. Click here to learn more of AIG Expatriate Care.

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  • AIG Ireland's Chosen Staff Charity - Aoibheann's Pink Tie
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    We are delighted to announce that AIG Ireland's chosen staff charity is Aoibheann's Pink Tie, the national children's cancer charity. Learn more here.

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  • Addressing the changing nature of ransom
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    The increasing prevalence of ransom-ware attacks is presenting challenges for insurance buyers and providers alike. 

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  • AIG Ireland Launch Cyber and Public Liability on Rapidcover
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    We are delighted to announce the recent launch of Cyber Liability and Public Liability for Local Clubs, Committees and Associations.

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  • Mitigating The Risk: The Impact of Terrorism on Businesses
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    The changing nature of terrorism has impacted the world significantly. Businesses should understand the risk posed by attacks to their people and property.

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  • AIG Multinational Solutions
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    For almost a century, companies have turned to AIG as a trusted partner for customized and seamless multinational insurance solutions. Learn more here.

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  • The Importance of Insurance in Business Planning & Protection for GDPR
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    Here we set out how insurance can play a critical role in a business’s planning and protection for GDPR. 

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  • AIG Marine - Delivering Tailored Solutions
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    Globally AIG is one of the largest marine insurers and continue to offer a range of policies to meet needs.

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  • Is Cyber Risk Systemic?
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    AIG surveyed cyber security and risk experts to gain a deeper understanding of their views of the likelihood and impact of a systemic cyber-attack.

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